
There are multiple ways to support your Oregon Alpha chapter. Use PayPal or mail your check today.

Oregon Alpha of SAE
PO Box 912
Corvallis, OR 97330-0912

Chapter Endowment Fund – This is a great opportunity to invest in leadership development and participation in SAE’s annual premier event, the John O. Moseley Leadership School. This endowment fund is managed by the SAE Foundation and all gifts are tax deductible.
    Make your tax deductible check out to the “SAE Foundation”

Invest in Scholarships – William L. Thomas ’43 created an endowment fund in 1992 with a $25,000 gift that is managed by the OSU Foundation. Over 70 active members have been recipients of $1,000 scholarships to help with the cost of tuition. You can add to the endowment to build more scholarship support for the active chapter.
    Make your tax deductible check out to the “OSU Foundation”

Support the Oregon Alpha Alumni Association – Every year, the alumni association uses funds to support members participation expenses in leadership school, regional meetings and the national convention. Funds are also used for special events and investments that enhance the fraternity experience at Oregon Alpha.
    Make your check out to “Oregon Alpha of SAE” (Contributions or gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions)